8 Mart 2012 Perşembe

Taş Atan Çocuklar (TMY) Yazısına ÇİAÇ’tan Düzeltme

aş Atan Çocuklar (TMY) Yazısına ÇİAÇ’tan Düzeltme
Pozantı’da çocuklara yapılan işkence ve tecavüz medyada meta değeri bulunca TMK Mağduru Çocuklar tekrar gündeme geldi. Talep edilen 7 maddeden 6′sı TBMM’den geçince en baştan belirttiği gibi ÇİAÇ (Çocuklar İçin Adalet Çağırıcıları) kendini feshedince, bu kanunların uygulanması, hükümetin, hatta doğrudan Başbakan ve cumhurbaşkanı’nın basının önünde söz verdiği rehabilitasyon programının (asimile edici olmayan, devlet aygıtı aktörlerinin de rehabilite edilmesini öngören) takibi için ÇİAT (Çocuklar İçin Adalet Takipçileri) kurulmuştu. Ama Rana Arıbaş, Ammar Kılıç ve Arif Akkaya canla başla çalışsa da ÇİAT bu mücadelede büyük ölçüde yalnız bırakıldı, yeterli destek alamadı. Her üç arkadaşımız da Barış İçin Vicdani Red / Kadın ve Vicdani Red iletişim grubu üyesi, buradan iletişime geçip ÇİAT’a destek verebilirsiniz.

ÇİAÇ, bu coğrafya için farklı bir sivil hak arama mücadelesi örgütlenme biçimiydi, baştan bugüne kadarki muhalif örgütlenmelerin maluliyetlerine düşmeyi önleyici önlemler almıştı. Muhalif örgütlenmeler için önemli bir öneriydi ama örgütlenme biçimi olarak üzerine hak ettiği inceleme yapılmadı. Belki de Mehmet Atak’ın çok önemli makalesi “Muhaliflerin iktidarın yöntemleriyle imtihanı”nda söz ettiği gibi muhalif yapılar farkında olarak ya da olmadan statükolarını bu malullükler üzerinden kurduğu içindir. ÇİAÇ’ın örgütlenme biçimi üzerine tek yazıyı yine Mehmet Atak Birikim dergisine yazdı: “Coğrafya İçin Yeni Bir Örgütlenme Modeli Olarak ÇİAÇ”

Pozantı gündeme gelince Can Dündar da TMK Mağduru Çocuklar’dan Mazlum Erenci’yi yazmış. ÇİAÇ dönemi medyanın ısrarla istismar etmeye çalışmasına karşı, TMK Mağduru Çocukların isim ve fotoğraflarının kullanılmaması için mücadele etmiştik. Mazlum’un ismini yazdım çünkü Mehmet Atak’ın Star gazetesindeki “Kürd Çocukları Hedef Tahtası Mı?” yazısında “Çocuk Bayramı’nda (!?) tesadüfen filme çekildiği için bir süre medyada meta değeri kazanan “polisin dipçiklediği çocuk” S.T. (ki devlet tedavisini üstlenmedi ve kalıcı hasarı var) ile aynı operasyonda 14 yaşındaki başka bir çocuk üzerine saldıran özel timciden kaçarken dereye düşmüş ve atılan gaz bombalarının da etkisiyle çıkamayıp orada can vermişti. İsmi Abdulsamet Erip’ti, biz duymadık. Ölü çocuklara artık verebileceğimiz bir zarar kalmadığı için Abdulsamat’in ismin yazmaktan imtina etmiyorum” dediği gibi Mazlum’un hayatının baharında ölümüne göz yumduk, artık ona verebileceğimiz extra bir zarar yok.

Can Dündar, bahsettiği Mazlum’un hikayesinin “Dördüncü çocuk” ismiyle Mehmet Atak’ın notlarından alındığı yazmış. Aynı isimle Atak’ın ÇİAÇ’ta da paylaştığı rapor, Atak’ın özel notları değil, Atak’ın Diyarbakır’da tahliye olmuş ama davaları devam eden 4 TMK Mağduru Çocukla görüşerek BM İşkenceye Karşı Komisyon’a iletmek üzere hazırladığı rapordandır (ÇİAÇ’ta yayınlanan tam rapor altta), bu rapor BM İşkenceye Karşı Komisyon’a iletilimiş ve ÇİAÇ adına komisyonla iletişimi Prof. Esen Aslandoğan ve Hilal Kaplan yürütmüştü.

Bugün Ferhan Umruk’un  Barış İçin Vicdani Red / Kadın ve Vicdani Red iletişim grubuna gönderdiği yazı “TMK Mağduru Çocuklar İçin ‘Evet’ Çağrısı Yaptınız! Şimdi Vicdanen Borçlusunuz!”da da ÇİAÇ hakkında ciddi bir hata var. ÇİAÇ eşit mesafeyi koruyarak TMK Mağduru Çocuklar için yurtiçi ve yurtdışında katkısı olabilecek tüm özel ve yapılarla görüşmüştü. Bu görüşmelerden biri de doğal olarak Lale Mansur, Mehmet Atak ve Mehmet Uçum’dan oluşan ÇİAÇ heyetinin Başbakan görüşmesiydi. Umruk’un gönderdiği yazıda ÇİAÇ görüşmesi gibi gösterilen görüşme, 7 maddeden 6′sı geçip ÇİAÇ feshedildikten sonra, eski ÇİAÇ’ın beş binden fazla üyesinin haberi olmadan Lale Mansur, Mehmet Uçum ve Osman Can’ın Başbakan’dan ÇİAÇ teşekkürü olarak aldıkları randevudur. Ve görüşme bitiminde “ÇİAÇ Referandumda ‘Evet diyecek’ ” haberleri basına yansıyınca, çalışma alanını son derece net sadece “TMK MAğduru Çocuklar” olarak belirlemiş ve açıklamış eski ÇİAÇ’ın üyeleri kendilerini aldatılmış ve kullanılmış hissetmişti. Mehmet Atak, feshedilmiş ÇİAÇ adına bir açıklama yapmış ve bu görüşmenin zaten kapatılmış olan ÇİAÇ’ın bilgisi harici olduğunu, ÇİAÇ’la hiç bir alakasının bulunmadığını sadece açıklamayı yapan üç kişiyi bağladığını, feshedilen ÇİAÇ üyelerinin Referandum’da hür iradeleri doğrultusunda “evet”, “hayır” diyecekleri ya da boykot edeceklerini söylemişti. Bu açıklama üzerine Lale Mansur da görüşmeye giderken böyle bir siyasi çıkar uğruna kullanılacağından haberi olmadığını açıklamıştı.
Selma Yeşilelma Ekin

 Can Dündar’ın yazısı:
 “Dördüncü çocuk”

Can Dündar
06 Mart 2012
“Taş atan çocuklar” diye bilinenlerden biriydi Mazlum…
Diyarbakır’da bir Kürtçe gazete dağıtıyor, harçlığını çıkarıyordu.
2006’nın Mart sonu, mezarlık dönüşü çıkan olaylarda, polisle taşlaşma seansından sonra yakalandı.
Çevik Kuvvet polisi, ensesinden tutup döve döve sürükledi Mazlum’u… Henüz 13 yıl görmüş boyu, ancak polislerin beline geliyordu. İsyan edince ağzına bir cop yedi. Dudağı patladı.
O dayak, o cop, kararlılığını perçinledi.
“Kininin davacısı bir nesil”e dâhil olmuştu artık…
* * *
Sonra “ıslah” başladı.
Bölgede “ıslah”tan kasıt, dayak ve hapisti.
Cop darbelerinden sol el kemiği çatlamıştı. O halde dövülerek polis otobüsüne kondu, Terörle Mücadele’ye götürüldü.
“Leşte (bu “cenaze” anlamında kullanılıyor) taş atan sen miydin” diye sordular.
İşkence gördü. Çocuk Şube’ye sevk edildi. 40 yaşlarında bir komiser Mazlum’la arkadaşlarını, “Nerede kaldınız biriciklerim, sizi bekliyordum” diye karşıladı. Bir posta da orada dövüldü. Çırılçıplak soyulup arandı. Ajanlığa zorlandı.
Mahkemeye kelepçe takılarak yollandı.
Ama en zoru cezaeviydi.
Bugün Pozantı Cezaevi’nde açığa çıkan zulmün canlı tanığıydı Mazlum…
23 Nisan’da Türkiye Çocuk Bayramı’nı kutlarken o, hapse mahkûm oldu. 28 kişilik koğuşunda 37 kişiyle yatıyordu.
* * *
Terörle Mücadele Kanunu Mağduru Çocuklar için Adalet Çağırıcıları, bölgeye gittiklerinde konuşmuştu Mazlum’la…
Aktivist Mehmet Atak, onu “4. çocuk” diye kaydetmişti defterine:
“Zeki ve muzip bir çocuk… Kocaman bir gülüşü var. Hukukçu veya tiyatrocu olmak istiyor. Ama dil takıntısı yüzünden eğitime devam etmek istemiyor. Gece uykularında çığlıklar atıyor, o koşullarda ayakta kalabilmek için daha milliyetçi bir tondan konuşuyor.”
Hapisten çıktıktan sonra “Küçük General” diye bir facebook sayfası açtı Mazlum…
Mehmet Atak’la yazışıyorlardı.
“Mezopotamya, uygarlığın beşiği sayılır, ama biz o beşikte çocukluğumuzu yaşayamadık. Hayal kurmamız bile suç… Niye hâlâ ‘Barış’ deyip duruyoruz ki” diye yazmıştı bir seferinde…
“Dağa gitmekten başka yolum yok” demişti.
Atak, vazgeçirmeye çalıştı. “Dağa çıkanlar ortalama 3 sene içinde ölüyor Mazlum… Bekle, ben gelince ayrıntılı konuşuruz” diye mesaj yazdı.
Ama artık çok geçti.
* * *
17 yaşında silahlanıp dağa çıktı “Dördüncü Çocuk”…
Kim bilir kaçıncı çocuktu bunu yapan…
Geçen haziranda, henüz 18’indeyken, Çemişgezek’te bir çatışmada, “devlet dersinde” öldürüldü.
Mehmet Atak, “Onun resmini bilgisayarımın açılış sayfasına koydum. Her gördüğümde ağlıyorum. Onu vazgeçiremediğim için suçluluk duyuyorum” diyordu.
Ona gelene dek ne çok suçlu vardı.
* * *
Şimdi Pozantı cehennemini yaşayanlar, yüzlerinin görünmesinden ürkerek, enselerinden konuşuyorlar.
İşkenceyi, tecavüzleri anlatıyor, isyanı haykırıyorlar.
Mazlum’un gizleyeceği bir yüzü yok artık…
O, yeni terlemiş bıyıklarıyla gözümüzün içine bakarak konuşuyor:
Bize sokaktakilerin, içerdekilerin, dağdakilerin, onları dağa sürenlerin, büyüyen bir kinin öyküsünü anlatıyor ve soruyor: “Düşünün ve söyleyin: Beni kim öldürdü?”


* Among the negative effects of the amendments to the Turkish Anti-Terror Law enacted in 2006, the ones felt by children stand out for their unfairness. Close to 4000 children have been detained, tried and convicted as if they had been adults.
MAZUM ERENCİ: (ın English)
I was working as a delivery worker for the Kurdish daily newspaper Azadiya Welat that is closed for at least 6-7 times every year.On that day, I have read in my newspaper that there was going to be a public demonstration there.I wanted to go there since the readers of my newspaper were mostly the people who would be there.I couldn’t finish all the newspapers during the demonstration so I decided to go along with the crowd who had began walking.I finished all the newspapers in the place we have arrived.I began to walk to the newspaper’s office.On my way, I have seen some people trying to lower the Turkish Flag in a school.According to the police records, it is seen that I was staying there somehow.The moments that I stopped them from burning the flag have been deleted from the police cameras.
 Later when I was walking down the road, I got caught by the police while I was trying to avoid the ‘stones being thrown by the police’.They began to beat me with their batons at the moment they hold me.I don’t think that there is any place on my body that was not hit by the batons from my head to my toes.One hit came to the space between my index finger and middle finger of my left hand.There was a crack in my bone according to what the doctor said later.They bended me and took me away.I could not see anything else than the asphalt at that time.They twisted my arm and squeezed harder each time I told them to leave me.When we reached by the police bus, one of them pulled me up and pushed me with all his strength, causing my chest to hit the steel fences in front of the bus. Then he said mocking me: “Slow down brother. You are going to get hurt. Why are you doing such things?”
They put us inside the police bus.We were sweating like nozzles at that moment.The policeman sitting in the driver’s seat opened the air conditioner of the bus.Another one looked at him and said: “What are you doing? Just close that so we can give these sons of bitches a hamam pleasure. This will bring them to reason”.Then the same heat came back.And we continued to swelter.
They took us two by two to the hospital to get ‘medical reports’.When I stepped out of the bus, I saw someone caught together with us. They forced his head beneath the bus and 7-8 cops beat him together – a scene which I remember very well even today.And at that moment, I began to say goodbye to life.They took us to the room of the doctor when we reached the hospital.The doctor wanted to take an x-ray of my hand when he saw the bloat in my hand.Police have tried to stop this but they took an x-ray of my hand in the end.I felt a slap on my cheek at the moment I entered the police room.I looked and saw a tall policeman sitting on a wheel chair and he said to me: “I remember you; you threw a stone at me at a carcass and hit my head”.I was very surprised.I looked at him and asked what a carcass is.And he answered “carcass, funeral in other words”.They took us to a police van to take us to the Anti-Terror Department.We entered from the back door of ATD.They lined us up and questions and insults began.Each one asked something else at the same time.We could not even understand who asked which question to whom.
I was at the beginning of the line. A police commissar came to me and asked: “Are you satisfied with the shit you have done?” I answered that I have not done any shit. That police commissar slapped my cheek twice with his right hand.Then he hit twice again on my other cheek with his left hand.I feel lucky for those slaps.My other three friends couldn’t get off as lightly as I did.That same police hit their bellies with his fists and knee.They wanted our ID cards after the beating.Only two of us had ID cards. When the others couldn’t give ID cards, one of the police officers have shouted “why don’t you have your cards on you” and another one added angrily right after that: “I know the reason brother. These bastards don’t want to carry it because it has a Turkish Flag on it”. At that time, others who have been taken into custody were brought.They couldn’t catch the beating time but they also got their share from the insults.
They called the police department and wanted a team to take us.They took us and we went to the Branch Office for Children.A commissar about forty years old has met us at the door when we went there.And he said to us “My dear lovers, where have you been, I’ve been waiting for you”.They took us to the second floor.We waited there for a long time and then they began to make our proceedings.I wanted water from a police officer at about 01.30 at night.He showed me the water bottle in his hand and said “What have you done to deserve this water, yet you still want it. There is no water for you”.I just froze at that moment.The reason of my stillness at that moment was the slap on my face by the fact about how I became “the other”. Being accepted as “the other” has slapped my face very strongly that I won’t forget for the rest of my life. We woke up with cuss words in the morning and a police officer have said to us “wake up and see the police that you throw stones f… your mothers now”. They took us to get our fingerprints.
There they separated me from the others and took me to another building.A policeman began giving me advices on the way.He said that nothing would happen if I were to give correct answers at the place I was going. I was taken to the Anti-Terror Branch Office. They thought that I knew who took the flag since I were there as the flag was being lowered.They forced me for spying there.“We can delete the videos if you help us” they have said.One of them said “Just tell me who lowered that flag and I will release you right now”.I didn’t since it can’t be thought that I would give the name of someone who I don’t know.
When we returned, a cell phone that one of our friends secretly got inside has been caught.They took us to the hospital again since 24 hours passed.As we were returning, a policeman have told us to “swear to Öcalan”. Nobody said anything and he said “you just aren’t brave enough, are you” and slapped one of our friends.He hit his head to the wall because of the slap. Then he slapped another friend who looked at him and he said “did you feel offended you son of a bitch”.they got us undressed including our underwears during the search. he looked at us threateningly and said: If you have hidden something, get it out now.There are gloves here and I swear I will open your asses and search”.
The day we were going to go to the court was also terrible.We went to the prosecutor.I showed my pres card to the prosecutor as he was taking my statement.But the card wasn’t accepted as valid because of the name of the newspaper as usual.The judge repeated the same attitude, too…
The way we were going to the court was also terrible.We were taken from the prison ward at08.15 inthe morning and mostly we stayed in the moist custodial room of the courthouse until21.00 inthe evening.And we were handcuffed each time we went and returned.Only for once we have not been handcuffed during the return that was because of the objection of the lawyer.There were very intense problems in the prison.I want to list some of these.
For example;
  • · Food was bad and inadequate.
  • · The prison ward was disinfected so many times but it was still almost an utopia for the cockroaches.
  • · Hydrophobic rats were even coming inside the ward with white foams leaking from their mouths.
  • · There were intense problems caused by the dental sick bay.For example, one day there was a tooth in the food mess-tin (the containers that the food was brought to the wards).
  • · There was a wardress; we hardly contained ourselves from attacking her. She searched for the woman visitors in such a way to insult and embarrass them.And at last, she purposely caused one of our friend’s brother – a baby – to fall from the table.And there is something else I do not – cannot – understand. One of the doctors sent to us by Turkish Doctors Association in order to listen to our problems, Ayşe Avcı, said that the wardress had done well and she would do the same if she were there.
  • · The same doctor (Dr. Ayşe Avcı) said so many unnecessary things. Once she said as an answer to the question of one of our friends that she was equivalent to ten AT (anti-terror) police officers and that she would torture all of us if we were under her custody.
  • ·Previously when we asked for the reparation of our broken refrigerator, each time he used to say that they had informed the Ministry and they would come. But after we had talked to the committee send by the Turkish Doctors Association, he said “You are complaining about me to the doctors, so go and get your refrigerator from the doctors you have talked to”.
* The letters we have sent or that are sent to us weren’t given most of the time.
  • · Words and sentences in our letters were erased or blotted arbitrarily although they contained nothing illegal.
  • · We had to face the insults of the psychologist woman when we went to the psychology service.We went there to share our problems but she was starting political discussions.Some of the things she said are “you are members of a terrorist organization” and “you are terrorists”.
  • · Once there was a tooth in one of the food containers. And once there was a10 cmlong nail.
  • · The sick bay was just a torment.We went there only when the doctor came to the sick bay.And the doctor came only about once a month.
  • · Our friends who didn’t join the morning counting because they were not permitted to go to the sick bay were forced to get out of bed and join the counting line.
  • · Dental sick bay was the same; there was no one to take care of it.I went there to get my tooth treated.The doctor said to me “You will be released anyway; you can get it done outside”.
  • · We were not permitted to join the courses opened by the administration due to the crime.
  • · Some of our friends who were going to the court were ill-treated by other prisoners saying that they were terrorists.
  • · It was forbidden to us to make any buying and selling from the other wards.
  • · Even the ordinary journals were not given to us on the ground that they had political content.
  • · Books that were approved by the Ministry of Culture and given the control stamp were not given to us with arbitrary decisions.
  • ·When we sang songs in Kurdish, they stopped us by saying that we were singing marches.
  • · We were exploited by the canteen very badly.Everything was sold for twice the outside prices.
  • · Clothes that were sent to us had to be new and in their packages.The used ones were not permitted in.
  • · The letters we sent to the other prisons were not given.
  • · 60% of the letters that were sent to us weren’t given to us.
  • · Although we didn’t have such a demand, an imam came to our ward once a week and said unbelievable insulting things about Kurds.The prisoners who rose against him were punished by the 2nd director of the prison.
  • · We were not permitted to send letters to establishments like Human Rights Association and the Bar Association.
  • · 50% of the books of the prison library were religious, 40% were nationalist and the remaining 10% were zoology books.
  • · Only one brand of cigarette is permitted for our prisoner friends.
  • · We were only permitted to write the newspaper at the beginning of the month.And they changed the newspaper each 48 or 55 days on purpose.So we had to wait for the new month in order to write again when one expired.
Legally published Azadiya Welat newspaper was not permitted inside with arbitrary decisions for reasons like having political content because it is published in Kurdish language
  • · Vests and hooded clothes were not permitted in
  • · They seized a t-shirt belonging to one of our friends because its colours were green, red and cream.
  • · We were not permitted to see the other prisoners in the festival days.
  • · They did not change our broken refrigerator because we told our problems to a committee sent to prison by the Turkish Doctors Association
  • · We were not permitted to watch the local channels that we demanded.But TRT-6 channel was added to the watching list although we had no such demand.
  • · We washed our clothes in the bath in a very unhealthy environment.
  • · We had to bathe where we washed our clothes.
  • ·When hot water was given, cold water was stopped.We could not bathe regularly since they were not available at the same time.
  • · We could go to bath in groups of three or four since there was limited hot water.
  • · We could heat the water only in the summer with primitive methods we developed by ourselves and that was the only time we could bathe enough.
  • · The fruits that were given were not in any condition to be eaten.
  • · During Ramazan, only 1-2 tomatoes and that much cucumbers were given to the fasting prisoners as sahur food.
  • ·They did not even tolerate the library that we established with our own opportunities.They told us to put it in the walking area.There the books were damaged because of the rain.
  • · Our bed sheets were only changed before inspections if a committee came for inspection. And once they wanted the sheets back after the inspection.
  • · We were handcuffed on the days we were taken to courthouse even though it was forbidden. And they opened our handcuffs only inside the court hall.
  • · The soldiers frequently called us with insults like “terrorist”.
  • ·Again the soldiers tried to mock us when they looked at our files.
  • ·Nobody was concerned with our plumbing problems.
  • · Our chairs and tables were inadequate.The administration did not give any and they told us to buy with our own opportunities.But the plastic chairs that were sold for 5 TL outside were sold for 15 TL inside the prison and the plastic chairs that were sold for 15 TL outside were sold for 80 TL inside.That’s why we couldn’t buy any.And some of our friends had to sit on the ground to eat.
  • · One of our friends’ father got a punishment of prohibition from visiting for a year just because he made a victory sign during a visit.
A prisoner named A.Ç. who was arrested before all of us has told us that he was sent for spying by a Jitem (Gendarmerie Intelligence and Anti-Terror Unit) personnel named A.P.. When we told this to the 2nd Director, he showed extreme reaction and attitude and behaved suspiciously. He was being sent to court so many times. According to what he said, he was not going to court but being taken to the basement of the courthouse where he was forced to spy by A.P. and got beaten if he rejected. He said that he went to the court only twice in a period of 13 months, other times he was taken to A.P. in the basement of the courthouse and he was told to say that the court was postponed when he came back to the ward. The most interesting part is that we learned that there was money deposited for him by someone named A.P
  • · Our chairs and tables were inadequate.The administration did not give any and they told us to buy with our own opportunities.But the plastic chairs that were sold for 5 TL outside were sold for 15 TL inside the prison and the plastic chairs that were sold for 15 TL outside were sold for 80 TL inside.That’s why we couldn’t buy any.And some of our friends had to sit on the ground to eat.
  • · One of our friends’ father got a punishment of prohibition from visiting for a year just because he made a victory sign during a visit.
A prisoner named A.Ç. who was arrested before all of us has told us that he was sent for spying by a Jitem (Gendarmerie Intelligence and Anti-Terror Unit) personnel named A.P.. When we told this to the 2nd Director, he showed extreme reaction and attitude and behaved suspiciously. He was being sent to court so many times. According to what he said, he was not going to court but being taken to the basement of the courthouse where he was forced to spy by A.P. and got beaten if he rejected. He said that he went to the court only twice in a period of 13 months, other times he was taken to A.P. in the basement of the courthouse and he was told to say that the court was postponed when he came back to the ward. The most interesting part is that we learned that there was money deposited for him by someone named A.P

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